Sunday, June 8, 2014

Say Your Mind Is It Right For Church Members To Pay For The Luxuries Of Their Pastors?

Some men of God in Nigeria are fond of preaching
prosperity and in the process, they urge their
congregation to give money for the work of God but
they end up using these monies to fund their
luxurious lifestyles.
In Nigeria today, many men of God, General
Overseers and Founders of churches live
extravagant lifestyles » while many in their
congregation are poor, jobless and lack the basic
things of life.
While the GOs drive the best cars, buy private
jets, send their children to the best schools abroad
or build institutions » that children of their
members cannot afford to attend, they still urge the
members to pay their tithes, make offerings or
donate for one thing or the other.
Some say tithing and offerings are Biblical, others
see it as a way of enriching these men of God to
the detriment of their poor members.
Today, we want to ask you if you think it is right
for the GOs to live such ostentatious lives » while
their members are suffering.

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