Monday, March 24, 2014

Chris brown is behind bars

Chris Brown » is not a happy man in prison. The
singer is reportedly gnashing his teeth in solitary
confinement at the Los Angeles County's
notoriously aging Men's Central Jail and he says,
"this is the worst experience of my life."
According to TMZ’s sources, Chris told a friend he
feels like a 'caged animal' and has promised he'll
"never f**k up again".
Reports say the singer has been spending his jail
time writing music and working out but he still
believes he could be out of jail in no time.
We earlier reported that the fine China singer
could be sent home » if and only if the victim who
put him there drops all charges – his famous
lawyer Mark Geragos is seriously working on it!
He was arrested and thrown in jail » earlier this
month when he was dismissed from a
rehabilitation facility, triggering a violation of the
singer's court-ordered treatment. "I have
concerns about his inability to stay out of trouble,"
judge Brandlin said before ordering Brown to be
held without bail.

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